Friday, November 28, 2014

How to "Go Green"?

We are beginning to take baby steps so that our lifestyle becomes more sustainable and fair to people, as well as animals. We've been convicted by our wasteful and polute-ful living, saddened by how our gain is another's loss, and disgusted by all of the cruel animal testing gone into our shampoos and make-up.

It looks overwhelming when you examine your lifestyle and see all of the areas that need to change to meet our new goals. Here are a few ways we've started to "go green".

  • Only buying fair trade coffee, tea, sugar, chocolate, & bananas
  • Making sure we buy organic or free-range meat, dairy, and eggs from animals who have been humanely treated
  • Not purchasing any items from companies that do testing on animals. This means that we do some research before we research for that hair gel, toothpaste, or baking soda.
  • Using cloth shopping bags and mesh produce bags that we can reuse
  • Re-stocking with biodegradable garbage bags, recycling, and composting
  • Buying clothes and fabric that are made in the U.S.A., are certified fair trade, or that are second-hand.
  • Making a lot of homemade stuff. More posts to come!
  • Monitoring our electricity and water use (turning off lights when not needed and taking fewer baths).
Those are just some of the ways we are starting to put more thought into our purchases and putting our buck where our vote is. Our goal isn't to push this agenda onto our friends or families, we just feel like our own consciences are burdened with our way of living.

What ways are you choosing to live more ethically?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Review: E-Cloth Eye Cleansing Pad

I don't use make-up remover or face wash anymore and I usually use a wet washcloth to take off my make-up and mascara. I was wanting something softer and saw that E-Cloth sold this small microfiber cloth, so I thought I'd try it out.

I dampened it with water from the sink and gently swept it across my eye-lid, and WOW does this thing remove mascara, eye liner, and eye shadow well! I honestly don't think my eyes have ever been this clean before. The first time I used it, the cloth kept getting blacker and blacker from mascara that has probably been caked on for a while.

When I was done using it, I rinsed it out and just hung it up to dry to use the next night. The instructions say to wash in hot water with a small amount of detergent.

And the best part? No chemicals. No waste. Eco-friendly. Soft fabric. And squeaky clean eyes!

Did I mention that it's less than $11, while eye cleansing wipes from the drugstore cost around $8 for 25 wipes?

*E-Cloth did not send me compensation for this review*